tel. 8 (7122) 451533, 451537, 451532
E-mail: informbyuro@yandex.ru
What we have raised - no longer falls!
GPS trackers
What are the best trackers?
INFORMBURO offers the widest range of GPS trackers. When choosing GPS trackers in our work, we adhere to the following principles:
1. We do not offer the client a deliberately expensive device that is redundant in terms of functionality. Our trackers allow you to solve all the main tasks and have the ability to connect additional sensors.
2. All of our trackers are widely used, even if the client refuses to cooperate with us, he will be able to use our tracker in other GPS monitoring systems.
3. Selling GPS tracker, we do not strictly tie the client to our Wialon Hosting monitoring system. The client can leave with our trackers to other GPS companies. But many come back later.
4. Our trackers and FLS work for clients for 3-5 years without breakdowns, provided that the client has discipline and drivers do not deliberately break the equipment.
5. In some situations, when our trusted esteemed client asks to upgrade the system and connect additional sensors, we simply change the tracker to another more advanced one without requiring additional payment.
6. Our trackers and DUT are installed on cars with an additional voltage stabilizer, which prolongs the life of the equipment and protects the car's wiring from sudden breakdowns.
7. We can make even used equipment work reliably because we carefully check it and use only reliable manufacturers with a good reputation .
Our GPS monitoring system is aimed at the objectivity and reliability of information. Often there were situations in which we defended the interests of drivers in the event of disputes. Not every "drain" is a theft, often these are operating features and the error of the GPS monitoring system. Honest drivers have nothing to fear.

GPS monitoring versus drivers?
Honest drivers are afraid of GPS Trackers and FLS should not be.
There were situations when the administration suspected the driver of draining fuel, and only our competent opinion and data in the GPS monitoring system helped to protect the interests of the driver.
In companies where, after the installation of GPS equipment, drivers are fired en masse, there is a reason for the administration to think about whether we are saving too much on the salaries of drivers?
Often the installation of GPS Trackers and especially Fuel Level Sensors causes a conflict of interest. Even the chief mechanic or dispatchers are dissatisfied with the implementation of a GPS monitoring system, this gives the business owner reason to think - is everything in order in the fleet.
In emergency situations, there were cases when the GPS tracker made it possible to establish the truth in an accident by giving accurate data on the speed limit.
When cargo is stolen, the GPS system often allows you to clearly control the stopping places and the route of movement.
The introduction of driving safety systems in a company is especially important, we will help to introduce a system for assessing the work of drivers objectively calculated by points. This will record all violations made by a particular driver.
Atyrau Azattyk Avenue 96b office 502
E-mail: informbyuro@yandex.ru
tel. 8 (7122) 451533, 451532, 451537