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Test your knowledge of MS Office

The tests we have developed take into account the requirements of large companies when hiring. The interface of the programs in the test is mainly ENGLISH, which allows you to test your skills in English and will make you feel confident when working in a foreign company.

The test material is selected based on our many years of experience working together with the largest companies.

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GPS academy

Our company INFORMBURO has been operating in the information technology market for almost 30 years. We have been engaged in computer user training for 25 years and GPS monitoring of vehicles for 15 years. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this project, the GPS Academy, was born in our country. I try to offer a "Soviet" approach to education with a broad outlook and a deep understanding of the foundations of all related technologies. On our website, we will be able to offer our students a useful ON-Line training course in the field of Satellite monitoring of transport, including related areas of telematics. We don't try to be fun and exciting, we don't promote a particular brand. There are three initial open sections here. In total, there are more than 10 of them in the course, the cost of a full course of study is 15,000 rubles

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