tel. 8 (7122) 451533, 451537, 451532
E-mail: informbyuro@yandex.ru
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Fuel control
Fuel control on vehicles and special equipment
Fuel and engine hours control at stationary facilities
The Wialon Pro-based GPS monitoring system we offer allows you to get the following results:
1. Automatic calculation of fuel consumption, based on mileage, consumption rates and operating mode. Works without any additional sensors and costs is always included in the minimum set of services.
2. FLS (Fuel Level Sensor) is installed in the tank to calculate the fuel consumption per month based on the readings. The main purpose of this method is to detect fuel leaks. And checking the correctness of the fuel fillings performed. The accuracy of determining the level in the tank is 2-7%, for large tanks it can be 30 liters. It is difficult to determine the consumption per day, but for a month or a quarter with a run of more than 200 km, the results will be acceptable with an accuracy of 1-2%. It is difficult to install FLS for passenger cars. It is possible to put on special equipment - tractors, loaders, FLS, but in view of the fact that such equipment often leans, vibrates, staggers, therefore, FLS will not give accurate readings.
3. Installing a fuel flow meter on the engine. This method is rarely used because it is more difficult to install a fuel flow meter on the engine than FLS in the tank. The main thing is that the reliability of the car’s operation is greatly reduced if this flow meter fails or freezes or becomes clogged.
4. Control of refuelings on ТЗ (refueler's fuel) through the "pistol" can be implemented by installing on the TK - USS (Signal Pickup Device) or installing an additional Flow Meter on the filling hose . This solution provides high accuracy and reliability of readings, and practically has no drawbacks. It is also difficult to control the fuel level in a large capacity of a fuel tank, the accuracy will be 2-7% for accounting, this is not enough. For TK, it is possible to control filling discharges ranging in size from 300-500 liters.
5. Hours can be calculated based on the vibration level or other features: rpm, speed, temperature, etc.

The easiest way to calculate engine hours is based on monitoring the voltage of the onboard power supply. When the engine and generator are running, the voltage is greater when only from the battery is less. This is implemented in all systems without the use of additional costs.
For special equipment, the simplest solution would be to control the level of vibration, sometimes it can be implemented without additional equipment.
For example, for tractors, dump truck cranes, you can install tilt motion control sensors of the boom, body or bucket.
It is useful to use a temperature sensor to monitor the operation of the engine.
All information received from the sensors is transmitted by the tracker to the WEB server and processed there. The results can then be seen in the hour reports.
Atyrau Azattyk Avenue 96b office 502
E-mail: informbyuro@yandex.ru
tel. (7122)451533, 451532, 451537
GPS monitoring of stationary objects
We have experience in implementing fuel control projects on individual drilling rigs and individual diesel generator units. At the rig, we implemented a fuel consumption control system on all units involved in the technological process, including refueling through the "gun" from the supply tank and level control in the main tank. The database developed by us processes telemetry information received from the FLS and OSS and, based on this data, generates various reports on engine hours and consumption both for individual units and for the entire complex as a whole.
If there is no cellular connection in the area of the drilling rig, information may be accumulated and collected via WiFi.
Accounting systems accuracy fuel
Fuel level control in the tank depends on a number of factors:
1. The closer the FLS is to the center of the tank, the more accurate.
2. In thin flattened _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_tanks, the accuracy is lower.
3. An uneven sloping site in the parking lot greatly reduces accuracy.
4. Level shift on a loaded and empty machine.
As a result, the accuracy drops to 5% of the volume for 20-30 liter trucks. The data for this reason will always differ from the filling list.
On the contrary, the accuracy of fuel filling control at the TZ using USS or Flowmeters is very high, from 0.1 to 0.5 liters per filling.