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i+ Гурьев 1899 2

i+ Гурьев 1899 2

r+ Гурьев 1902 рыбалка

r+ Гурьев 1902 рыбалка

r+ Гурьев 1910

r+ Гурьев 1910

i+ Гурьев 1959 ulica_valihanova

i+ Гурьев 1959 ulica_valihanova

p+ Гурьев 1958 Пляж - Красавица Вышка для Прыжков копия

p+ Гурьев 1958 Пляж - Красавица Вышка для Прыжков копия

Гурьев 1971

Гурьев 1971

Гурьев 1901

Гурьев 1901

Гурьев 1894

Гурьев 1894

Гурьев 1977

Гурьев 1977

What you did not know about the possibility of echo sounders

  1. Almost every echo sounder can show or approximate the size of a fish in kilograms or centimeters

  2. A 4-beam echo sounder is able to show the direction from where the fish swims up.

  3. Some advanced fish finders like the Garmin Striker are able to draw a bottom profile and create an underwater depth map with isobars.

  4. WiFi Models are able to connect to the internet via smartphone and report your progress to the fishing community 

  5. Some inexpensive echo sounder models are able to work even through ice. This is actively used in ice winter fishing. It is enough for the fisherman to choose a smooth and even area of ice and firmly attach the emitter. The underwater situation will be visible even without drilling a hole.

  6. Some models of echo sounders transmit the image remotely, the emitter in the form of a float is thrown like a fishing rod and then transmits the image to the echo sounder screen via a cable or using Bluetuth.

Garmin Striker 4 - excellent echo sounder and GPS receiver

Combined echo sounder Garmin Strike 4 + GPS receivers is an excellent tool for fishing from a boat or boat. Immediately while moving, you will clearly see the bottom profile with all the "surprises" in the form of snags or fish schools. You can quickly explore the area of the reservoir and start fishing. At the same time, automatically remember the place of successful fishing and unmistakably return to it later. In addition, both functions are displayed on the screen at the same time, which is also very convenient.

The most important parameters

  1. What are the main parameters to consider when buying an echo sounder?

  2. A 4-beam echo sounder is better than a 2-beam and just a single beam. It has a wider coverage area

  3. The echo sounder screen should give a clear contrast picture.

  4. The larger the screen size, the more informative.

  5. The battery life is usually not long, so you need to evaluate what type of batteries you use or which batteries

  6. 4. Pay attention to the declared temperature range. Some Chinese models perform poorly or not at all in low winter temperatures 

WiFi echo sounder is a great solution

WiFi echo sounder is able to give a picture of a circular view, actually showing in which direction the fish is. In addition, it is able to determine the size of the fish and the profile of the bottom

Fishfinder Selection Tips

Echo sounders are autonomous, manual for fishermen and stationary, for installation on a boat or other vessel. Autonomous ones run on batteries, stationary ones require 12V power supply

1. Autonomous, as a rule, transmit a signal to a small black and white or color screen. More expensive models have a large 2x-3x beam capture area and are able to confidently determine the size of the fish. Some models transmit a signal (picture) via WiFi to the screen of a smartphone or tablet. The picture quality and screen size in this case are much better, such WiFi echo sounders are valued higher.

2. Combined for fishing like Garmin Striker 4, an excellent inexpensive echo sounder + a standard Garmin GPS receiver with track drawing and movement through points.

3. Stationary   ship echo sounders, as a rule, are combined with the navigation function. That is, both the map and the bottom profile can be displayed on the same screen. Now, even in low-cost Garmin echo sounder models, it is possible to alternately display a picture of the bottom profile with "fish" or the route passed by the vessel according to the GPS receiver.

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